I have played with the thought of getting a Mac developer account for a while. Foremost to begin working on a Mac version of atsumeru, but also to push some smaller Apps I have lying around as far as it makes sense to publish them. Thanks to Apple merging the iOS and OS X development programmes I suddenly found myself being able to also offer OS X Apps.

One of those Apps is “Never Read”, which I wrote at the beginning of the year to get rid of the article backlog I tend to accumulate over time in my Pocket account. Until that time I always manually deleted articles added more than 30 days ago, except the ones archived or starred. The idea there is: If I didn’t make the time to read an article within 30 days I probably never will. The article is considered not being interesting enough for me in the first place, so I might as well get rid of it entirely.

If not for my friend @gueorgui having the same problem and looking for a solution for his “Pocket bankcruptcy”, as he charmingly called it, I probably would still do it manually. Seeing that people other than me have interest in my method of clearing the read later backlog as well, I took a couple evenings off to write Never Read to make it easier for all of us.

Should Pocket bankruptcy be a problem for you as well, I recommend considering my approach. Never Read is going to be a great help to not lie yourself out of the situation. You might think “but maybe I will read it later”, but really you won’t. It’ll be just another article you’ll never read.

You can find more information on the Never Read website or directly download Never Read on the App Store. Depending on popularity I will consider adding more services.